Strategic Alliances & Ecosystems

One focus of my research is on strategic issues that transcend corporate boundaries. What are the opportunities and challenges of strategic alliances? In recent years, in addition to strategic alliances in the form of contractual alliances or joint ventures, so-called business ecosystems have gained in importance. This is a focus of my work with colleagues and doctoral students in research and teaching.

Kreutzer, M., Hettich, E., Neudert P.K. (2025) Business Ecosystems. Strategizing in a Connected World. Springer. Part of the book series: Studies on Entrepreneurship, Structural Change and Industrial Dynamics (ESID). (published on November 27, 2024)

Neudert, P.K., Kreutzer, M. and Burmeister-Lamp, K. (2024), Selective revealing for building ecosystems: a conjoint experiment with managers of established firms. R&D Management.

Hettich, E. & Kreutzer, M. (2021) Strategy formation across organizational boundaries: An interorganizational process model. British Journal of Management, Vol. 32, pg. 147-199. Open access: 10.1111/1467-8551.12473

There is a free video abstract on this paper:

Neudert, P.K., Kreutzer, M. (2021). Ecosystem orchestration: Much more than strategic alliance management. EFMD Global Focus, Vol. 15(2), Supplement, May 2021.

Kreutzer, M. (2012). Selecting the right growth mechanism: The choice between internal development, strategic alliances, and mergers & acquisitions. In: Mennillo, G., Schlenzig, T., Friedrich, E. (eds) Balanced Growth. Management for Professionals. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.